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Thank you for purchasing The Rapid Traffic Guide course!

I know you’re going to get a lot out of it and I look forward to hearing your success story when the cash is rolling into your bank account!

But if you are looking to skyrocket your income even further, then you’ll want to read every single word of this message.

Because I want to show you how you can accelerate your income without going through the regular “trial and error” everyone else has to go through.

You see when you make send traffic to a landing page, only a small portion of those will actually turn into buyers on the front end.

So what do you do with the leads who didn’t end up making a purchase? (Which is generally over 90% in this industry)

How do you convert those leads into customers?

Did you know that on average a prospect needs to see the benefits of a product around 6 or 7 times before they make a purchase?

What do you do with customers once they make the purchase?

How do you communicate with them and turn them into repeat customers?

How do you prevent them from requesting refunds?

Ultimately what do you do with the greatest asset you are building – YOUR LIST?

And it’s true that ‘the money is in the list’ provided its a responsive list!

Well… You need to have a proven follow up system..

You can literally double, triple or even quadruple your income just by having the appropriate system of follow up.

Once this is set up, it can run on complete autopilot.

So how do you follow up with your customers and leads?

Well the answer to these questions can be found in the:


This module is an advanced extension of the Rapid Traffic Guide training program.

Where I’m going to reveal the specific strategies for KEEPING a customer for YEARS to come…and transforming them into your raving, loyal fans.

Imagine being able to send out 1 email and have a flood of cash crashing into your bank account…

Or not having to worry about where your business is going to be 5, 10 or 20 years from now…and KNOW your customers are going to stick with you.

With this module in your hands you'll have the final piece of the puzzle to have a long term sustainable business.



Lesson 1Follow Up Principles

  • How to follow up a lead and convert it into a red hot buyer
  • Tried and trusted follow up principles that work every time
  • How to build trust with your leads
  • I reveal the biggest mistake that is killing your lists responsiveness (which 99% of marketers are actually making)
  • How to pre frame a lead so that they are soon banging on your door with credit card in hand
  • Secret formula that determines when to provide value and when to pitch
  • I provide an example of a complete follow up sequence to a lead (works in any niche!) which YOU CAN MODEL!
  • How to set this up on complete autopilot (Set it and forget it)

Lesson 2List Segmentation

  • Why you need to segment your list and how it increases your trust and profits
  • Why customers need different follow up than leads
  • Why different products need different follow up messages
  • I provide an example of a complete follow up sequence to recently acquired customer which YOU CAN MODEL!
  • How to pitch related offers
  • How to automate the sequence and the automate the segmentation process in an autoresponder

Lesson 3Broadcast Emails

  • Tips and tricks on how to send broadcast emails and turn this asset into an online ATM
  • What type of offers to pitch and when to pitch value
  • 16 proven secrets on how to increase you open and click rates
  • How to split test and optimise broadcasts for greater engagement and ultimately increase the profitability of your business


So if you want to increase your profits exponentially you need to get your hands on the FOLLOW UP AND CONVERSIONS Module

The price of this will soon go to $97, but you can get it today at my massively discounted launch price!

And for action takers who buy the Conversions and Follow Up Module TODAY you will get access to the following


John will share with you his strategies and insights that has made him over $5,000,000 in sales online!  You need to see this powerful webinar.

Click The Button For Instant Access at Just $37.
RTG - US 1


So you can…

Turn your leads into hungry buying customers and explode your customer list and loyalty. . .

So it pays you for years to come!  


To Your Success


 100% Money Back Guarantee

To take all of the risk off you I am providing my IRON CLAD 30 DAY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

We are so certain that you are going to love this training and we know that if it’s applied it is virtually impossible to fail.

So if you apply this training and can't make more than your investment back then drop me an email within 30 days of the purchase date and I’ll give you an immediate 100% refund – No Questions Asked.

Bottom line is you have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.


PS – Think about it:  You’ve already spent enough time and money to GET your customers….

Why have that time and money get flushed down the toilet when they end up leaving “your list” for other marketers—leaving you to spend MORE money to replace them…

So you need to do your utmost to KEEP them.


SO CLICK THE BUTTON and keep your customers paying you for years to come!

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